Bridging the Gap in Modern Workplaces

Analysis, Experience, Diligence, Innovation, Flexibility

The pandemic created a seismic shift in the world of work. Our story began with three colleagues at the epicentre: Mark T, the strategist with a keen eye for business analysis; Mark M, the solutions architect using software to craft innovative solutions; and Michael, the employee engagement champion. Witnessing the rise of distributed teams firsthand, they recognised a pivotal moment – the traditional workplace was fracturing and flexible working arrangements were becoming a vital component of an employee’s psychological and legal contract.

They recognised that their skills perfectly complemented each other. Mark T's analytical mind, Mark M's technological expertise, and Michael's focus on employee experience formed a powerful trio. But a crucial insight emerged: expecting technology-mediated communication alone to overcome employee separation, although necessary, wasn't sufficient.

This led us to our core belief: successful modern workplaces require a balanced approach. We combine analysis to understand needs, leverage experience to design solutions, and prioritise diligence in implementation. We champion innovation to stay ahead of the curve and embrace flexibility to adapt to unique workplace ecosystems.

Our mission is to bridge the gaps between technology and people, employees and organisations, work and life. We help our clients design and embed flexible modern workplaces that engage employees and drive their business success.

Get to know our team.